The four factions present were Cryx, Legion, Cygnar and my Menites. We all also got to test out both our lists over the two games which really helped cement what I would lock in to the list.
Grand Exemplar Kreoss vs. Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight (Legion)
Win: 5/2 on scenario
So game one was versus our resident Legion player, I put down my Kreoss2 Exemplar list as this is my standard Hordes drop. I also expected lots of Beasts and on feat turn the Bastions really hit hard! It turned out to be an awesome matchup and really made my oppponent struggle.
So I won the role and chose board edge, a castle in the middle of the deployment zone on the other side would really have messed things up. I deployed second and opted to aim for the two right hand flags first before swinging round to hit the third flag on the left.
Turns 1-3
End of turn 1:
The first three turns were basically two armies advancing towards each other. There was a few exchanged shots but nothing major. The real meat of the game happened in turn 4
Turn 4
Beginning of turn 4:
So with both armies so close it was down to the nitty gritty piece exchange. I was drawn 2/2 on scenario and needed to both keep Abby from scoring and also keep Kreoss ticking over.
The turn started with Abby feating and Blighty charging the Reckoner that was stopping her scoring. With the Reckoner dead there was nothing that I could move into range that could stop the win. However this is where it went wrong, the Reckoner had Enliven on it and after taking a hit walked away from combat. This left Blighty high and dry in front of 10 Bastions. After being surprised by the move my opponent threw everything at the Reckoner trying to drop it. However they were all shooting attacks and whilst some damage was caused it was still left with half the boxes and was still blocking the scoring. To finish of, the Raek charged Kreoss to stop him scoring and also with some luck kill him off. It blocked scoring but otherwise did limited damage to Kreoss.
Bottom of the 4th
Well for the first time in my Warmahordes carrier I had the opportunity to beat one of the top tier players at the club. I also had more than enough time to do what I needed to do without clocking out. Essentially all I needed to do was kill a Raek, solo and Blightbringer and the game was won!
The big ace up my sleeve here was Kreoss2's feat and charging weaponmasters. It took quite a few rolls and charges but the Bastions prooved adequate to trash the Blightbringer (even though it was Fortified), 4 zealots firebombed the solo and the Raek died to Kreoss and the Errant Seneschal.
End of turn 4:
Grand Scrutator Severius vs. Captain Jeremiah Kraye (Cygnar)
Loss: 0/5 on scenario
The second game was my first against Kraye, the idea of 'jacks acting like cavalry was a little off putting as was the large amount of gunmages arrayed against me.
Turn 1:
Rather than do this play by play I'll talk you through the game. Sadly the Errants were virtually annihilated by turn 2, between Eryiss stripping Defenders Ward from them and gunmages blowing them into next week they just couldn't keep up. The positive was Blessing of Vengeance arcing ashes to ashes through it and killing Aiyana and Holt, the Black 13th, Strangewayes and 60% of the gun mages. It also damaged a jack and the objective - what a great spell! The Avatar was penned in by Eiryss and then took a beating from an opposing heavy. It promptly then turned around and trashed the heavy back, despite being disabled by everything apart from its shield arm! Turns out 4 focus and a P22 damaged sword are a thing. He also smashed Eiryss in the face with the shield taking her out the game. The Vessel also got invovled and bounced some shots around and damaged old rowdy.
However by this point I was really running out of troops, my skirmish screen was gone very early on, my jacks took a pounding and the vessel was down to half boxes. The coup de gras was just before my final turn when I lost the Vessel and the Avatar. This put me massively down on scenario, the only option left was an Immolation Assassination attempt on Kraye. Tristran ran forward to have a go at the remaining gun mage and ended up being smashed by Old Rowdy and a defensive strike. This made the Redeemer inert and gifted the zone to my opponenet (doh!!). So Sevy powered himself up and Blessing ran across the table. However it wasn't meant to be and of the 3 Immolations cast only one hit (needing 5's on two dice!) and then did no more than a point or two of damage. This left my opponent with 2 warjacks and Kraye to kill a single choirman and the game was done.
Lessons Learnt -
- Kreoss2 is a beast when played aggressively.
- Putting the Zealots back in the Kreoss2 list has much more playability than the Paladins used last time.
- Blessing, Sevy and the Eye are awesome! Dishing out 2 + 2D6 power 13 hits per turn is enough to trash 9 models/turn. Also the assassination potential of 4 x Pow15 immolations per turn really is a thing!
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