Sunday, 14 February 2016

Feat? Feat? Feat? Doh!

So whilst the Mrs' was at work I arranged a game in th LGS.  I was expecting to have a rematch of my recent game vs eKaya but instead my opponent proxied in Kromac2 - the guy is a monster!

I also managed to take a photo after each round so its like almost a battle report!

Harbinger of Menoth vs. Kromac, Champion of the Wurm (Circle of Orboros)
Loss: Assassination (0/0 on scenario)

So I  took Harby basically as I played Kreoss2 into Circle last time and I wondered how she would fare.


I won the role and opted to go second, being that bit closer to the objectives and also relishing the possibilty of a few first turn shots was to tempting to miss.

After a long discussion after a previous game the battle plan here was to try for a solid grab of my objective and then swing across onto the enemy ones.  With that in mind i setup just left of centre with the Avatar ready to break right and go an make a nusance of himself.

After deployment:

Turn 1
So the Circle dashed forward throwing up a few forests to conceal themselves.  The big thing here was somehow Kromac ended up in the nearest bunker and after a quick measure with Harbys control I was fairly certain within charge range (using Crusaders Call).  So in an effort not to get too excited I took a deep breath and activated all the support.  I also managed to take 4 Vanquisher shots, one scattered onto Kromac setting him on fire.  Harby moved forward cast Crusaders Call and then Guided Hand on the Errants.  I wasn't going to mess up and miss with the one charging weaponmaster attack!  So the Errant Run/Charged and the one Errant attacked and caused 3 points of damage on Kromac - I was fairly happy till I realised in my rush to attack Kromac I forgot to Feat Harby...doh!

End of Round 1:

Turn 2
So quite expectantly the two Errants in front fo Kromac were butchered to release him.  I also Martyrd to keep an Errant alive that was attacked by a solo that ran the risk of being able to throw an assassination run on Harby if I didn't.  Other than that pretty much the entire Circle swarm ran forward.  The Avatar was slammed backwards by an Argus which then got me excited as he had a line on trashing a heavy beast and putting me 3/1 up in the heavy department.  The final move was Kromac featign and charging forward into an Errant, I martyrd to keep him alove and then I was really happy.  I had an assassination shot at Kromac with the Avatar, 2 Errants and Harby using Cataclysm!

Now seeing this and knowing I normally get excited I paused for a good 30 seconds to sum everything up.  First up was rolling for focus on the Avatar - 4 points, here we go!  Then I did the support pieces, Battle on all the Jacks, harmonious Exaltation with the Hierophant (I considered healing Harby but I reckoned that if this all failed she was likely dead with or without the extra health).  The problem I now had was that Harby had to activate first to cast Crusaders Call to get teh Avatar into combat, this meant I could only cast Cataclysm once.  Also I wouldn't be able to see how well the Avatar did before deciding to commit.  I decided the victory favours the brace and on we went.  Sadly Cataclysm didn't do much more than a few points of damage to (Armour 20!) Kromac. Ah well, here comes the Avatar to give him a good thrashing.

Here my lack of play experience against Hordes kicked in, sat on 5 focus there was no way the Avatar was going to kill Kromac. 

Predicatably all the big hits were diverted and Kromac was still alive at the end.  Even two charging Errants failed to finish him off.  Additionally due to Ornery, Kromac had removed half the boxes on the Avatar (it was only later I realised this should only be once per turn).  So my final hope was in the two Vanquishers dropping some hot shots on his head.  Needing 9's only one hit and left Kromac on 5/6 health points - close but not enough.

After the Vanquishers had gone I realised in my rush to charge (deja vu?) I forgot to Feat, not neccesarily game changing at this point but any additionaly strikes on Kromac may have been enough to bring him down - DOH!

End of round 2:

Well the game ending was fairly predictable from this poin, Ghetorix telported forward and finished off the Errants in Kromacs way before killing his own Argus to make room.

Kromac then walked forward and with 3 souls (from the tier list) and 7 fury it was never in question.  As it turned out the rest was overkill as with a single point of focus and having Martyrd her life away trying to keep the blocking Errants alive she only had 3 boxes left and the first strike left her dead on the floor.

Game end:
Lessons Learnt -
  • The Battleplan was sound but I should have made my side solid before sending the Avatar off, had he been closer the very threat of him would have helped. 
  • Once I realised that the Assassination wasn't on I should have used Gaze of Menoth to reduce options rather than wasting a last attack.
  • Remember to Feat! I need to add it to my idiot sheet!
2016 Win/Loss record to date: 2 /7

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