No photos again sadly, this week was pushing my pSevy tournament list into some matchups where I'd probably be more tempted to use Kreoss2:
Grand Scrutator Severius vs. Kaya the Moonhunter & Laris (Circle Orboros)
Loss: Assassination (0/2 on scenario)
Well the game featured a very tough Circle list, 2 full units of multi-wound infantry backed up by 3 Argo's, 2 Warpwolves and Wrong Eye and Snapjaw. So with all of that power this game was going to be tough, I deployed second and farily central. Opposing me all the Gators were aimed at my left zone and the circle at the right. I was relying on the Temple Flameguard holding up the gators (with a few Ashes to Ashes to cause some damage), the right I sent the Avatar in backed up by the Reckoner. I finished up with the Vessel central to add fire support into whichever zone required it.
So the game went pretty soundly, the Avatar went in and smashed half the skinwalkers, Enlivened away and then Smashed a Warpwolf down to a single box. It was promptly ripped apart by the wolf, I then followed this up with the Reckoner who used the objective to block charge angles and keep the beasts on their toes. On the other side the Flameguard stood firm all game gradually whittled down to 5 members, although with the aid of Ashes to Ashes, the Vessel and Blessing of Vengeance they took down half the Gators and Snapjaw.
The game seemed to be going to plan until the Vessel got charged by the other warpwolf, unsurprisingly it was ripped apart and left a big hole in the middle of my line. Cowering in this hole (which had looked fairly strong till this point) was Sevy, Laris promptly ran up and Kaya teleported in for the kill.
Grand Scrutator Severius vs. Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper (Retribution of Scyrah)
Loss: Assassination (0/1 on scenario)
The second game of the night was little more intriguing, we had only 80 minutes left so decided to give it a go and play a full 50 point game with 40 minute deathclock.
Its surprising what can be done when you put your mind to it. With 10 minutes gone from my clock I was halfway through turn 2. Essentially lots of rushing forward and getting ready, the Flameguard had been battered by combined ranged attacks so I ran them into combat to make them a little safer. Then came two of several assassination attempts that failed. With Kaelyssa close to the front line unit of mage hunters I cast Ashes to Ashes on the closest Elf to her, hit him and then required a 4+ to include the caster in the damage roll. I promptly rolled a 2 and fried three elves. This was followed up by a second attempt whereby I'd need a 3+ on the bounces...the dice came up a 1. Luckily this now left her exposed and a shot from the vessel blasted 10 boxes from her.
When the potency of Blessing was realised the opposition shooting was then directed at my character Jacks and I managed to lose Avatar and Blessing in a single turn. My turn three and Kaelyssa was now hidden behind a Myrmidon. After casting a miracle to push away its attackers (leaving it on 3 points of damage left) the vessel pushed forward to a take a pot shot. Having smashed 10 boxes the round before I was fairly confident of an assassination. Boosting to hit I required an average roll but it wasn't to be. The backup plan was a fully vamped up Reckoner taking a pot shot however there was a Vessel in the way. Nevermind, Vassal to the rescue - ancillary attack from the Reckoner destroys the Vessel and then in its turn it takes the shot. However the Vessel is immune to fire attacks, at this moment to my horror I realised that all of the attacks that were powerful enough to damage the Vessel were all fire type attacks (immolation and ashes to ashes being the big ones) - I had nothing with which to kill it. So instead the Reckoner flattened a solo and I hoped to get a turn 4.
This was never going to happen, Kaelyssa is a master shot and she walked into range of Severius and shot him to death. I wasn't to upset though considering she had lived through 4 assassination attempts she deserved the win!
Lessons Learnt -
- Severius doesn't go into tough opponents very well.
- With the single screening unit I'm going to get pretty stretched in two zone scenarios. I need a plan to work around this.
- With the Elf caster I should have shot the Vessel into the easier to hit Jack and then boosted the power 11 Admonisher shot, this should have been enough to kill her and would have been an easier shot to take.
- Had I thought about it rather than lamenting the fact that I couldn't damage the Vessel with Ashes I should have seen it as the awesome opportunity it was. Had I blasted the Vessel with A2A it would have been fine, a high roll on the jumps and it could have taken her out with that instead, especially with the option to boost two damage rolls with all the focus Sevy had! - Doh
- I still think Blessing, Sevy and the Eye are awesome!
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