Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Bish Bash Bosh!

Club night this week consisted of two games against my same opponent who gave me a good thrashing last Saturday.  With a bit of a push we planned two timed games, which would allow me to use both lists I was looking at using at the tournament 10 days later.  Sadly due to the time pressures I forgot to take photos.

Harbinger of Menoth vs. Morvahna the Dawnshadow (Circle Orboros)
Win: Timeout (0/2 on scenario - 20 mins/0 mins on clock)

So it was a little bit of a surprise to be facing Morvahna, I was anticipating Kromac2 and seeing as Morvahna had two full units of Skinwalkers Harby just isn't built to deal with multi wound infantry.

So I threw everything in, as anticipated the screening unit of Errants and feat really struggled with Arm18, 8 wound Skinwalkers.  I also forgot to feat turn 1 (again) which allowed everyone a lot closer than they should have been.  On the right though I was a little more successful and was hoping to piece trade 2 opposition heavies for half an Avatar.  Unfortunately the second heavy was left on a single box after the attack and went and trashed the Avatar.  It was still a 2 for 1 trade but left me a lot weaker on that flank than I'd have hoped for.

Between Harby martying, the Errants being tough and self sacrifice it was a real slog for my opponent and very quickly he was in hot water with regards to time.  As is often the case, once the clock got into the last 10 minutes everything got rushed and the time jsut slipped away.

Whilst winning on time isn't the greatest way to win, the very fact that I had so much left was comforting.  Equally it was realistically the only way I was going to win, without the time edge I was losing and was going to struggle to win on scenario or (after losing the Avatar) assassination.

Lessons Learnt -
  • Winning on timeout is a thing, not necessarily gracious but a win is a win.
  • This list really struggles with multi wounds, had there just been one unit it would have been ok but two (and then more brought back via the feat) were a real struggle.
  • Maybe the Kreoss2 list is going to be my Circle drop...

Grand Exemplar Kreoss vs. Morvahna the Dawnshadow (Circle Orboros
Loss: Assassination (0/0 on scenario - 30 mins/8 mins on clock)

Game two was versus the same list but this time I opted for a slightly tweaked version of the Kreoss2 list that I'd used several times previously.  The change was basically removing the zealots and replacing them with Vilmon and 2 Paladins.  The idea being that three solos only vulnerable to magic would be more of a pain than 11 Zealots who were only invulnerable for a turn.  It was also 6 more very heavy hitting weapon master attacks for the feat turn.

This game was doomed to failure from my first turn.  Only having one screening unit meant that I was loathe to have them heavily bashed on turn 1.  This lead me to just toe the nearest zone to avoid being charged.  This worked but instead in a mirror of what I normally do with Zealots the opposing chaff ran into the Errants.  This stopped me moving turn two and forced me to move Kreoss into the frontlines (albeit hidden by Errants) to avoid giving away killbox points.  It also stopped me being able to challenge the opposing zone that Morvahna was toeing.

The few Errants weren't enough and a charging Warpwolf reducing Kreoss to 6 boxes.  Whilst I killed the Warpwolf on my feat turn I still couldn't move Kreoss into protection and on the last turn of the game a unit of Druids killed the screen and wiggled him out of his hiding place.  A Knarlhorn Satyr promptly charged him and ripped him apart.

Lessons Learnt -
  • This Kreoss2 list doesn't play defensively and hasn't got the ranged threat to react enough to being pinned in place.
  • Whilst the Paladins were useful to hold off a unit and a half of skinwalkers  they didn't do much else and with a movement of 6 under stance and a single attack they were a little limited.  I think that the Zealots are going to be back in.
  • If Errants are taken as the jamming unit, use them to jam!  Moving them forward and at least having a few crossbow shots would have allowed me to keep Kreoss behind a full unit of Bastions - safe.

2016 Win/Loss record to date: 3/8

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