Friday, 25 March 2016

You Can't Burn Me!

Feora, Protector of the Flame vs. Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight (Legion)
Loss: Assassination & Scenario (5/0)

A bit of midweek tournament practice - awesome!  So the list is Marks Protectorate drop, I've played it before with limited success.  The option was to trawl through with Kreoss2 and hope he made a mistake or try something new.  So I chose the later, with immunity fire then eFeora was an easy choice, I've also put together a jack heavy list with her after being on the wrong end of Adams 4 heavies on club night this week!

So deployment was simple, the plan was for the jacks to control the friendly zone and smash stuff at range whilst the Flameguard (with newly released Pyrrhus) contest the other zone.  I lost the roll and went first, Mark opting for a few first round pot shots.  So everything moved as far up the table as it could, ready for a critical turn of shooting turn 2.

 Middle of turn 1:

In Legion turn one I lost a few Flameguward (but gained some souls!) and had some permnant effect markers limit my movement.  Otherwise though I got off surprisingly light, the only danger was a Harrier threatening to cause an issue with all the support pieces behind the jacks.

So up rolled my turn and having learnt that focus is best used frugally I placed the focus where i thought it needed to go (lead Reckoner 1, Redeemer 2), and left Feora with 2 to boost her to ARM 19 in case of any scatters or unforseen threats that came her way.  My hope was to take out the nearest Ravagore, I knew that I would probably lose a Reckoner but then the charging 3 remaining jacks should make short work of the Blightbringer and the remaining heavy.

However the dice weren't with my, after 4 Reckoner shots (only the first boosted shot hit), 3 Redeemer shots and a Vanquisher shot I'd only managed to set the Ravagore, Raek and BB on fire and cause a few points of damage on the Ravagore.  Legion turn 2 was going to hurt!

Middle of turn 2:

Not quite realising how lucky he'd been the previous turn, Mark feated and used Abby to destroy my objective, this gave him and point and gave conferred rage to everything else...he then proceeded to flatten two Reckoners and heavily damage the Vanquisher.  In my haste to make sure everyone was in range I'd placed the jacks to close to each other meaning that when one was destroyed any remaining attacks could be transferred onto another jack rather than being wasted (one to learn from next time).

I was that shocked after my loses I forgot to take a photo during turn 3, essentially my response was to take a few pot shots at Abby with the Redeemer and use the remaining Reckoner to flatten the on fire Ravagore and the Vanquisher to bash the other Ravagore.  I also charged this second Ravagore with the Flameguard and Pyrrhus who severly damaged it. Trying to learn from previous hopeless looking situations (where I'd thrown in the towel after this point) I feated Feora, this put her at ARM 27 and meant I could move the fire around a little, removing it from the BB & Ravagore and placing it on the smaller more vulnerable beasts.

Legion turn 3 and most of the smaller beasts succumbed to the flames, the Blightbringer moved up and smashed the last Reckoner.  In a fit of rage the Ravagore turned to face and then killed the heavily damaged Vanquisher, however in doing so he couldn't attacl the Flameguard as they were no longer in his front arc.  Abbya and the Raek then went for the assassination run on eFeora, however even poaching focus from Feora to reduce her armour it was unsuccesful and Abby fled to the nearby woods.  Scoring two more points for dominating my objective in the process.

Well I hadn't expected to get a turn 4 so now the aim was to get my own back and go for the assassination.  I aimed with the Redeemer and took two shots at her for a few points of damage, not amazing but a start.  Feora then used Firestep to escape the Raek and charged Abby - an assassination was optimistic but even so she took a battering and with her being on fire I was optimistic.  I then moved a choir man to the edge of the zone to stop it.  bein absent minded I'd forgottent that Casters can't contest and this was all I could do.

Middle of Turn 4:

Well the game was pretty much lost, either Abby was going to kill Feora (now on no focus and with no Escorted jacks) or something would kill the last choir and claim the zone.  As it turned out they both happened!  The Naga shot the choir and Abby went to town on Feora, good game!

Bottom of Turn 4/End Game:

Lessons Learnt -

  • Don't clump models together, it just makes things easy, equally I could have probably kept the other Jacks back and sacrificed one so that the others could get revenge!
  • eFeora is pretty hard, to take a beating from a light and caster and still survive is impressive, and I need to not forget the Escort ARM bonus.
2016 Win/Loss record to date: 6/17 (Protectorate 6/16 - Circle 0/1)

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