Friday, 4 March 2016

Start of the Circle

Baldur the Stonecleaver vs. Ravyn, Eternal Light (Retribution of Scyrah)
Loss: Assassination (0/2 on scenario)

Sadly I took no photos with this game as it was all a little rushed.  I know anyone reading this will probably be saying hold on its your first game with Cricle why on earth throw yourself in at 50 points?  So the reason be twofold, the first is it was meant to be a 15/25 point game but my opponent was a no show.  Having been let down I thought a game at 50 points would allow me to get a feel of lots of different units at once rather than building up.  The army I bought also has a Baldur T4 list built in, loving the Sticks and Stones concept I just had to give it a go!

So the game; well thanks to the tier bonus the only thing I had to deploy in my zone was Bladur himself.  Everything else either advance deploys or has has advanced move, awesome!

Rather than going into a blow by blow account, its probably quicker to got through the main points fo the game.  I used the two units of woldshrimp to contest my objective whilst throwing everything else at the opposing objective.  Being made of stone I expected them to be a little tougher but they died to a hail of fire from houseguard riflemen.  I also didn't realise that you can do the float away after shooting which would have kept them in a treeline a little more safe.  Everything else I threw at my opponents zone, the wolds are a little slow but being used to menite jacks this wasn't an issue, especially when they advance deploy.  Turn two I teleported a wold guardian in behind a Mymidon expecting it to floor the thing (its got two massive lumps of stone as arms), sadly this wasn't the case and I had to rely on a charging woldwatcher to finish the job.  To one side Megalith and a Woldwarden went to town on another heavy, I feel I should say at this point that whilst I knew these are supposed to be ranged jacks I was expecting something similar to a charging Vanquisher.  It wasn't to be and now all my wolds were in charge range of a unit of weaponmasters, suffice to say at the bottom of turns two and three I lost them all...  Ah well chalk it down to experience.

The last part of the game I was most proud of, I used the druids to maneuver everything out of the way so I could get at the opposing caster.  It all went swimmingly until the last 2 dice rolls were really poor and that left Ravyn about 2 mm out of range of my Baldur assassination run (create forest 12" away, teleport in and use reach to finish the job.  I was a little gutted but then I hadn't really played very well so didn't really deserve a win.  Thoroughly loved it though and having a way to win even after losing most of my models was a really nice feeling.  Its back to the menites for the future getting ready for the tournament but I'm really looking forward to moving into Circle afterwards.

Lessons Learnt -

  • Lessons learnt isn't really that worthwhile, I did a lot of things wrong but then its a new faction and to expect anything else would just be stupid.  However there are two things I should have done better that I need to concentrate on:
    • The big thing was when I ran Baldur to safety in a woods.  Had I placed him 4 mm closer to the enemy the assassination run was on, however I placed him 2 1/2" into the woods which did nothing to stop him getting shot but did stop him doing what I needed.  I should have either placed him further in to keep safe or on the edge to remain a threat.
    • Turn 1 I should have made a mannikin into a forest and teleported in Baldur to feat, its simple, theres nothing my opponent could do to stop it and it may have bought a round of shooting/positioning.
Nevermind, on to the tournament prep!

2016 Win/Loss record to date: 6/13 (Protectorate 6/12 - Circle 0/1)

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