Thursday, 1 December 2016

Something new...

Having recovered from Blood and Oil this weeks games were the first outing for my two new casters (Amon and Testament).  Both games were into Retribution lists that weren't anywhere close to favourable!

Game 1: Testament of Menoth vs. Kaelyssa, The Night's Whisper (Retribution)

So my list is an infantry swarm that can keep bringing people back from the dead.  It consists of 50+ models and hopefully can just overwhelm the opposition.

However the list I played into was a pretty solid combined arms list with a Hyperion, single Heavy, Mage Hunters and combat unit.  The big problem was Phantom Hunter on Kaelyssa which meant that in order to collect souls Testament would need to be in danger.  The game started solidly with me running forward and replacing any kills back to life.  The sheer volume of models looked pretty impressive on the table.  Turn two and I lost around 20 models and Testament survived an assassination on him (just).  I then struck back and removed most of the mage hunters with sprays, ran the temple flameguard forward to keep people from zones and then Testament moved as far back as he could without sacrificing his ability to collect souls too heavily.  This was a mistake in the long run but seemed good at the time.  Turn three and Testament wasn't so lucky the sheer volume of shots from the battlegroup finished him off and Kaelyssa stealing his focus through her gun really didn't help!

So the list behaved as hoped and given another turn or two my oppponent would have clocked out or lost on control due to purely being pinned in place by the volume of models.  Hopefully next time will be better!

 Game 2: Amon Ad-Raza (Menoth) vs. Dawnlord Vyros (Retribution)

My collection when it comes to lights is a little sparse, aside from 6 repenters I've only really got one of each type so when it came to making this list I chose as many as I could fit in with Blood of Martyrs and a Reckoner.  This came to 9 jacks along with two choirs, a couple of warcks and an allegiant.  This list would be playing into a similar list as game 1 but with the Mage Hunters swapped out for Battle Mages and a Dragoon solo. 

Again it didn't really go to and isn't a drop in my favour at all.  With the flank for faction models and flank for warjacks once combat ensued it went downhill fast.  Equally due to Vengeance on the weapon masters there was a turn where i could either leave them alone and do nothing in my turn or throw everything at them and hope to kill as many as I could.  I opted for the latter in an effort to jam them back a turn whilst my own second line got ready to pounce.  Sadly I didn't roll very well and whilst i killed around half I didn't have the volume of attacks to cause enough damage.

The following turn I lost 2 heavies and 3 lights (and essentially lost the game).  My only hope was to trash the colossal, finish off the weaponmasters and hope for some bad dice rolls!  Surprisingly i managed to achieve both; amon feated and charged the weaponmasters using flashing blade to finish them off.  Then the first jack charged his heavy (more hoping to pin it in place away from Amon than cause damage).  Finally the two fully fuelled jacks hit the colossal and between them and synergy managed to one round Hyperion.  This isn't something I've done before and felt very satisfying (so this is why synergy is so good!)  Sadly the remaining heavy (Imperatus) moved past the pinning jack to hit Amon and reduce him to a few boxes before Vyros came in to finish him off.

Whilst the list was ok, being so focus starved each jack really needs two combat attacks to get the most out of synergy.  With this in mind I'm going to throw in some more heavies and see how I get on next time.

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