Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Stompys First Mammoth Night Outing

Feora, Protector of the Flame vs. Supreme Kommandant Irusk (Khador)
Loss: Scenario (5/0) 

So Stompy (my Judicator) got his first outing at the club.

The game was against Khador and was a fairly light hearted affair.  With the release of Mk3 in the not to distant future the fun element crept back in which was a nice addition.

End of game photo:

So the list was pretty much my tournament eFeora list with Flamebringers, Madelyn Corbeau and Anastacia Di Bray thrown into the mix.  Idea being to use Madelyn to throw Anastacia close to the caster and then move everything into an assassination run.

I went first and amazed by the Daughters speed threw Ignite on them and ran them (18"!!!!!) at the Widowmakers -  I figured they weren't Widower-makers so they should be fine. Everything else scampered forward and got ready to cause damage turn 2.  In response the Khador right flanks advanced and trashed the Flamebringers, between Eiryss, Widowmakers (my theory was wrong) and Winterguard Rifles I lost 3 and the fourth was damaged.  On the other side things were better and the shoting was ineffective.

My turn two and I paused for a thought (which probably saved the lives of numerous Zealots).  Instead I activated Stompy and fired a barrage of shots into the Man-O-War unit, killing 1, setting 2 on fire and the scatter killing a pair of Doom Reavers.  The other pod let rip at the Spriggan and managed to set it on fire.  Next the Zealots mini-feated and walked into bomb range of the man-o-war and released some bombs.  Not much happened, mainly due to lots of missing and the steam armoured brutes being immune to the blast damage.  On the other side I tried my first cavalry charge on Eiryss, hitting the Widowmaker first the impact attack failed and that was it.  The other one then did a standard charge on a widowmaker, killing it and then sidestepping into a second, killing that and ending in combat with Eiryss (well worth a note for the future!).

At the bottom of turn two the men-o-war and Doom Reavers charged the Zealots - they couldn't kill them but did jam the zone full of red bodies.  The Great bears then ripped the two Flamebringers apart, Eiryss moved up and shot the Reckoner distrupting it.  Finally the mortars took some shots at the judicator and managed to cause limited damage and kill a choirman.  To finish up Irusk moved into the friendly zone to dominate leaving it 2/0 on scenario.  Yes, it should have been 1 point for dominating a friendly zone but we both forgot at the time and I only realised whilst typing this out.

My turn 3 and Irusk was in the open and Stompy wasn't far away.  He walked forward and let rip with both rocket pods and an ancillaried pod.  This is some of the best shooting Stompy has ever done, by the end of the Khador control phase (after Cont. Fire) 7 winter guard rifles, 2 Great Bears and Kovnik Joe were dead.  Additionally Irusk was on fire and had taken a bit of damage.  I'd also killed another Doom Reaver and set on fire two Men-O-War with a flamethrower - go Stompy!!  The only other thing of note was to toe the zone with the Reckoner and use the Zealots to kill two more Doom Reavers - leaving a single man left.  One thing that worried me was his heavy near Stompy so I ran Rhoven and his bodyguards to intercept any charges that came that way.  I felt kinda smug at this point, I believed I was winning the attrition game and even if the Reckoner died I'd only be 4/0 down ready to camp Stompy in Zone 2 next turn.

Khador turn 3 didn't go how I expected.  The usually inaccurate mortars both targeted the Objective and obliterated it - at the time I thought they were going for damage on Feora (who was camped on ARM23 base to base behind it).  However that was another scenario point for Khador - all that remained was to kill the Reckoner.  It turns out the Spriggan has bulldoze, charging through he bashed the Reckoner out of the zone for the win.

I now realise that this should have been only 3/0 and the game result may have changed (this is to take nothing from my opponent who was just as oblivious as me and played the game very clinically), but that is entirely my fault yet again my absent mindedness has left me with a loss that could have been a victory.  But on the positive, STOMPY SURVIVED!!!!!
Lessons Learnt - 

  • Know the victory conditions - both to avoid mistakes and also (had the scenario been as we played it) I failed to see the destruction of the vulnerable objective of the critical 5th scenario point.
  • Flamebringers are neither a frontline unit nor a jamming unit.  By trying to use them out of character they were always going to die.  They would have been better held in reserve to charge into the zone turn 2 and then used the bonus of being in combat to improve the survivability.
  • Rhoven and Co were a waste yet again, I feel that I'd be better off using them as bodyguards for Stompy rather than hanging around behidn him.
  • Equally Anastasia and Madelyn were wasted, hanging to far back there was no way that I could have got the advantages they provide.  The four points could have been much better spent.
  • I'm actually getting to grips with
2016 Win/Loss record to date: 8/23 (Protectorate 8/22 - Circle 0/1)

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