Loss: Assassination
So after a boring Saturday I managed to get a late game in. I've played a list not so dissimilar to this just after Christmas with my Kreoss2 Exemplar Host and sadly it didn't go so well. Having never used Harby before I treated this game as a learning process, I used a list that a friend had suggested and substituted the Vengers & Devout I didn't have for Deliverers (because I've never used them before) and a full unit of Bastions (because they can generally take a beating).
This time I was determined to take my time and not to rush anything or try to force a situation that wasn't coming.
Up until Siege's feat turn (after my turn 3) this was going very well, I had backed of my Reckoners to allow a solid turn of shooting (2 reckoners + 2 vassals virtually one rounded an opposition heavy) without having to sacrifice anything. I'd also setup a good charge from the Bastions and both Reckoners that should have floored all 3 of his heavies without having to risk them significantly and would really put me in the driving seat. I'd then feated with Harby to try and stifle his advance.
On Cygnar turn three it really fell to bits, I'd completely forgotten about how good Sieges feat is and promptly lost a Vassal, 2 Bastions (and had the remaining 3 reduced to a single wound each), a Reckoner lost its bat arm and cortex (along with most of its damage boxes) and my Errants, even though in combat, took one hell of a pounding from sniping, aiming gun mages'. To add insult to injury Harbys feat ended up with merely 4 points of damage on Siege, half a dozen points of damage amongst his 3 heavy jacks and that was it. The two targets I thought would be destroyed (boomhowlers & gun mages) were in combat and sniping range so neither needed to move - DOH!!!
For some reason my mind went negative and I decided that at this point for me the game was lost. My sole chance of victory was an assassination run on Siege, at this point reality and my brain parted company and below hopefully explains what happened:
BRAIN: Harby floated across first to allow line of sight by destroying the heavily damaged Cygnar jack.
REALITY: The extra range from the Hierophant would have allowed my to at least have a go at damaging Siege directly and the Jack wasn't blocking line of sight anyway.
BRAIN:2 Reckoners lined up with the single surviving Vassal to have a go.
REALITY: Sat in a foxhole at Def16 (Def14 if I managed to flare him), camped on 5 focus the odds of me hitting were minimal and causing enough damage to kill was never going to happen. Alternatively the two Jacks and charging Bastions could probably have wrecked the two opposition heavies to a point where the come back would have been minimal.
Here is a photo after my turn 4:
So as could have been guessed Siege took around 5 points of damage and then eyed Harby with 2 points of focus. Two shots from his Cannon and the game was over - she may look awesome but she's very very vulnerable on that big base.
Lessons learnt -
- I actually really enjoyed talking with my opponent after the game, at the point I had decided the game was over it really wasn't. I should have taken a minute to really look at the board before making rush decisions.
- I forgot to use Martyrdom and Purification the entire game - I think I need a cue card for each caster as a reminder.
- I need at least 3 heavies in each army. Less than this and playing the heavy trade off game is just bound to fail.