Having taken a silly list in game one I opted for a much more balanced list in game two. However this time I couldn't resist a double unit of Errants that I had from a Vindictus theme list in Mk2. This combined with Durst, Stompy and a few jacks seemed a nice balance of troops, jacks and support.
Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith vs. Captain Allister Caine(Cygnar)
Loss: Scenario (5/0)
So deployment was a bit different, with so many troops advance deploying I had a lot more space in my deployment zone than normal. I went second and lined Stompy to engage the Stormwall and Durst and his Reckoner to go for the right hand zone. I then lined a unit of Errants to go for each zone.
Turn 1 was pretty basic, both armies ran up and i tried to get a strong presence in the right hand zone thinking that with limited oppostion I could start to score points on my next turn. I tried to keep everyone within Dursts "Deceleration bubble". Arm18 vs magic and shooting wasn't to be sniffed at!
Bottom of turn 1
So that went horribly wrong!!!! Turn 2 and I had completely underestimated how devastating Caine would be with magic bullets. He was basically hitting the Errants on 3's and killing them on 7's, followed by a magical bounce bullet that killed on 7's too. After two initial shots he could then buy as many shots as he had focus. Combined with his character 'jack Ace doing the same thing and shots from the Black 13th and Stormcallers the entire unit of Errants in the zone was wiped out along with a Reclaimer. In my turn still shocked from losing half my infantry I advanced right but knew I couldn't claim the zone thanks to the Stormwall toeing the zone. On the right with only Durst and a Reckoner left I advanced cautiously (and sacrificed toeing the zone to give away a scenario point) and feated.
Bottom of turn 2
Turn 3 was more of the same from turn 2. I lost a further 10 Errants to Caine and a lights shooting (22 models dead in 2 turns mostly from a single models shooting!!!). The way clear and the Stormwall charged Stompy. Luckily with the feat he only lost around a dozen boxes despite being hit multiple times. A pair of triangulating stormcallers and the choir dropped dead too - some much for my support.
My go and with Durst looking really vulnerable I decided I needed to flatten the Stormwall. Stompy battered the Stormwall but without the choir to negate Arcance Shield somewhat didn't cause as much damage as I'd hoped. I then charged in Durst to try to topple the giant but again came up short and whilst heavily damaged he was still jamming the zone. On the other side I advanced the lone Reckoner into the zone and blasted the remaining Black 13th from the table.
Turn 4 and things were looking very ropey, I hadn't realised it yet but the game was virtually over. I was 2/0 down on scenario and only had 5 models remaining. The Stormwall had a go at Stompy but being heavily damaged didn't do much. The Reckoner wasn't so lucky and took a battering from Armour Piercing shots and eventually went down in a hail of bullet fire. Caine then dropped into the zone and suddenly I was 4/0 down on scenario and only had an Errant, Stompy and Durst left.
My turn 4 and there was nothing I could do, the distance between the zones was to great and I didn't have any models that could go from the right to the left to challenge. So with that the game was done.
Bottom of turn 4