So after that moment of clarity I sat down and had a flick through battle college ( - definitely worth a look for any warmachine/hordes players). However all this left me with loads of questions:
- But what is Warmahordes?
- Does it matter which I choose and will it change who I can play against?
- 11+ Factions/Armies/Warbands whats the difference?
- Who's the best?
Edit 28/01/2016 :
So now I'm 4 months down the line I've since learnt that these are not as stupid as I first thought and are pretty common for new players. I've answered each below in as simple a way as possible:-
1) Warmachine and Hordes are basically the same game, but with a small twist. Think of them as being big stompy robots vs big angry monsters. As a newbie the difference doesn't matter, just choose who you like and play!
For those of you who want to know a little more, the essence of it is Hordes Beasts generate the power (fury) and the warlock uses this to cast spells. Warmachine warcasters generate the power (focus) and use this to power the Warjacks. I personally believe the Fury mechanic is slightly more powerful but then this is balanced by slightly weaker beasts vs warjack equivalents.
2) No, everyone can play everyone else. Just choose who you like and play!
3) They're all just different flavours, each adding a different way that they play or a different look to their models. Just choose who you like and play (are you seeing a theme here?)!
4) There is no real answer to this, additionally the nice thing about Privateer Press is that they tweak the rules every 6 months with "Errata Updates" to try to keep the whole game as balanced as possible. If something appears to massively skew the game to a factions advantage it is normally adjusted back to its rightful position.