Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Slow Grow League - The Results!

So I've played 7 games over 7 weeks and I've won 3 of them.  Thats roughly a 40% win rate which I really can't complain at.  I'm also quite impressed with how much more I know now than I did before, a big thank you to all my fellow mammoths!

It turns out that having played the tournament on Sunday that this weeks games were kind of written off, everyone having had such a great day playing at 50 points and no one wanted to drop back down to 35 points.  But equally over the course of 8 weeks I went from starter boxed set through to a full 50 point tournament where I didn't feel completely useless!  Although admittedly didn't win any games :-D

Monday, 7 December 2015

Tournament Time!

Well yesterday was my first tournament and wow what a major eye opener that was!  I didin't come last (mainly thanks to an odd number of players and me getting an automatic win thanks to a bye).  But having never faced anything bigger than a pair of Khador heavies I ended up facing a Convergeance Colossal that kept healing itself, very bad form, lol!  Equally it could have been worse as most players had at least 1 massive based model in their lists somewhere.  There were also several double Stormwall Haley lists that I would have just cried if I'd faced.

Here's a photo from the all Legion final:

Anyway so how did it go?

Game 1 - Grand Scrutator Severius vs. Hunters Grim (Trolls)
Loss - Assassination
This was against a guy I worked with in GW many many moons ago.  So he brought Trolls and the game was really enjoyable, I was honestly surprised at how easy going the whole thing was.  He equally asked early on about my experience and then decided to play his weaker list into mine - nice guy!  After appearing to go well for the first two turns (he torched many of his own models with a scatter and didn't pass a single tough check all game) it came to turn three with pSevy hiding in a wood.  Mage sight and a Troll Bomber to the face left a small crater where Sevy had been and what turned out to be an easy win.

What I learnt - hiding in a small wood isn't neccesarily any protection at all!

Game 2 - High Exemplar Kreoss vs. Captain Damiano (Merc.)
Win - bye :-D
This game was a bit more of a glorified lesson on how to play from the local Press Ganger.  Turns out he's also a Menoth player so was giving me coaching as I went along and talking me through alternatives and what to do with each unit.  Sadly a little to much information for me to take in all at once but equally I learnt probably 4/5 things which really helped.

What I learnt - take the bye if given the option!  Were it not for this I would have got the wooden spoon.

Game 3 - High Exemplar Kreoss vs. Father Lucant (Convergeance)
Loss - Assassination
So this was the game against a colossal.  I massive eye opener and using what I learnt from the previous game about the power of Enliven actually came in handy.  However I had to much dross and not enough anti armour stuff in my selection, I made a few lucky moves but ultimately with a colossal sat in the zone there was no way i was going to win.

What I learnt - Don't take a caster who's feat is knock down against a caster who can't be knocked down.

Game 4 - Grand Scrutator Severius vs. Old Witch (Khador)
Loss - Scenario
This was the only game I played all day against another Mammoth.  Really enjoyable and was almost a win.  A bit better placement and it could have been a different story!  The ammo cache with light artillery is really good and I learnt a lot about the power of Khador infantry.

What I learnt - Her feat is awesome and stopped me for a turn, however on that turn the Gunline of Sevy left her with a single point of health.

 So all said a really good day, looking forward to doing this again at some point in the future with a bit more knowledge under my belt.

 Heres a photo from the all Legion final:

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Slow Grow League

So last night was the first night of the club slow grow campaign...

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Confusion reigns...

So I'd made the decision, I'm going to play warmahordes.  I've played a starter game with Khador (vs Cryx - I lost) and now I want to get an army of big Jacks to smash the living daylights out of my opponents! Roarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after that moment of clarity I sat down and had a flick through battle college (http://battlecollege.org - definitely worth a look for any warmachine/hordes players).  However all this left me with loads of questions:
  1. But what is Warmahordes? 
  2. Does it matter which I choose and will it change who I can play against?
  3. 11+ Factions/Armies/Warbands whats the difference?
  4. Who's the best?
So back to the wargames club for the answers...

Edit 28/01/2016 :

So now I'm 4 months down the line I've since learnt that these are not as stupid as I first thought and are pretty common for new players.  I've answered each below in as simple a way as possible:-

1)   Warmachine and Hordes are basically the same game, but with a small twist.  Think of them as being big stompy robots vs big angry monsters.  As a newbie the difference doesn't matter, just choose who you like and play!

For those of you who want to know a little more, the essence of it is Hordes Beasts generate the power (fury) and the warlock uses this to cast spells.  Warmachine warcasters generate the power (focus) and use this to power the Warjacks.  I personally believe the Fury mechanic is slightly more powerful but then this is balanced by slightly weaker beasts vs warjack equivalents.

2)   No, everyone can play everyone else.  Just choose who you like and play!

3)   They're all just different flavours, each adding a different way that they play or a different look to their models.  Just choose who you like and play (are you seeing a theme here?)!

4)   There is no real answer to this, additionally the nice thing about Privateer Press is that they tweak the rules every 6 months with "Errata Updates" to try to keep the whole game as balanced as possible.  If something appears to massively skew the game to a factions advantage it is normally adjusted back to its rightful position.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

In the beginning...

So I’ve been meaning to write this for a while, nothing of decisive wit or useful information just a blog about my WarmaHordes career to date.

So as with any good story lets start at the beginning and then over the next few posts I’ll hopefully catch you up to current date.  As my teacher once said everything is about one or more of the following questions: who, what, where, why and how.  So (with a little change of the order and missing the irrelevant ones) lets go with that:

As with most things the why is quite simply a desire for a challenge and a hark back to my younger years when I was an avid gamer for over 10 years including a stint working for GW.
The actual trigger event to returning to the hobby was a message from a uni friend (its your fault Dave!) with a picture of an unknown marine figure attached (turned out to be a Grey Knight Dreadknight).  A lot of goggling and reading (about the end of the fantasy world) and I wanted to game again!

Well, I never really liked 40k, I always thought it was more of a game of who could roll dice better.  Equally some of you may know that last summer GW got rid of my much loved Fantasy and brought out a brand new (and pretty much unrelated) game called Age of Sigmar.  I had a brief look through the rules and pretty quickly came of the opinion that it was a simplified version of the 40k rules in a fantasy* setting – I think I’ll pass.

So with an open mind I headed down to my local gaming club to see what was there.  It turns out there was quite a lot of WarmaHordes going on so an intro game or two later and I was hooked :-D.

I’m now a member of my local gaming club and just to prove the gaming world is a small place I’ve caught back up with a guy I first got into the hobby nearly 20 years ago!

Well as with all games it involves a not insubstantial amount of cash.  However to my benefit all of the old GW models & systems I had were now “vintage” and actually worth some money.  So a lot of eBay sales and purchases later I had an army.
Either way the stage was set for my entry into the world of WarmaHordes!!

*note that I am so not a fan of the whole AoS internet uproar.  I don’t think its for me and with that I’ve moved on…